Monday, July 26, 2010
Had a Good Weekend
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Learning about farming
Just found out that our Twitter hash tag is #TNYF and am currently in the college discussion meet finals. These four guys have some great ideas. Happy to be among friends and will be posting some pictures later. Good be back blogging and on twittering. Been very busy at work due to a partners illness and another having to travel to adopt.But life is still good at home with kids and on the farm. Still have hay to make and cows to raise and Bulls to sell. Love being a farmers wife and an American agriculturist and my day job is not to bad either.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
A day at the farm
Been a good day. Having to work more than usual thus write less cause a friend at work has been hurt but today have been to church and fished in the farm with my kids and now am inspecting the cows with my Hubby