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Monday, April 18, 2011
from tractor to t-ball
My hubby is a great dad and a great farmer. He has worked all day and now is helping coach at first base for our five year olds t-ball team. Our life involves a lot of planning, but times like this make it worth it.
brie at bat
We love spring on the farm, new grass, baby cows, and oh yeah let's work in T-ball and softball 4 nights a week.
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Thursday, April 7, 2011
Still Sore
Now that I have published what a great day I've had with my family, I am going to take two seconds and whine... cause I am not healing as fast as I think I shoulld and cause this surgery cost me two trips that I was very excited about.
Mostly today I sat in a chair or the gator, while everyone kept telling me not to overdo.
I am frustrated at my body for a: not getting better as fast as I want it too and b: for having to have another surgery in the first place.
There now I have vented, as if it matters that I sat here and typed all tha out...
But the psyce is soothed....
Mostly today I sat in a chair or the gator, while everyone kept telling me not to overdo.
I am frustrated at my body for a: not getting better as fast as I want it too and b: for having to have another surgery in the first place.
There now I have vented, as if it matters that I sat here and typed all tha out...
But the psyce is soothed....
A Good Day
As I am sitting here writing this, I am thanking God for how truly blessed I am. I got to experience a truly Great Day with my family. A day when family is dealing with a critically ill child from a car accident and a friend lost a brother in that same accident. So, yes, as I think about all the things that could be wrong or have made today bad, I am glad by God's grace I was allowed this one Great Day.
What made today so great, nothing special. We did not go on any fancy trips or spend a lot of money. What we did was spend time with each other.
Know I don't know how many of you know what "Dry Land Fish" are, but in the culinary world they are Morel Mushrooms. Every year in March and April they come up wild on our farm. So, it has been a habit of Brian and I to go and ramble over the woodlands of the farm to hunt these elusive "dry Land Fish".
Given that I had an abdominal hysterectomy last Thursday, I did not think that I would get to go this year, but like I said God was good to me today. We went to the farm and I got to watch my kids ride a mule while I sat in a chair for about 2 hours. Even my 3 year old can ride better than I can.
Then we were off, albeit much slower paced than we usually go with more Mommy breaks too. My Husband, 3 kids, Father in law and 3 squirrel dogs had a ball. The kids learned how to spot, and not step on, the Morel's and we got about a pound wet weight mushrooms.
Ella, my oldest who is forever running out ahead of the rest of us, learned not to walk into brush unless her Dad or I went first because in Tennessee in the Spring there are snakes in them their woods. I am glad it was only a black snake, but boy it sure taught her a lesson.
Around Five o'clock my Mother-in-Law got off work and the kids had a ball surprising her in the woods. She did not know we were there. Then we all went out to Mexican for diner. Let me tell you 2-3 hours of walking in the woods certainly puts kids to sleep.
No, today was not perfect. Brie got hit in the mouth with a stick, Cord sat on a sharp stump, and Cord had to Potty in the woods without wipes. But we survived and had fun doing it. Not once was there an argument over a TV show or iPod game. It was nice.
I think getting out and spending time is the best thing that any parent can do with their kids, and no I don't mean take them somewhere and expect them to entertain themselves while you veg out, read a book, or otherwise ignore them. I will be the first to admit that I like my me time, but kids need your we time.
It was fun to watch my Husband teach the kids how to track a squirrel, deer, and turkey. I liked showing them violets, May Apples, Morel mushrooms, and wild strawberries. It was fun watching them problem solve how to get from here to there when there was a downed tree and a ditch in the way, and for the most part they helped each other and worked it out.
Yes, I was proud of my day today. So proud that I don't have one picture to show for it except the ones in my head and sorry I cannot share those. Sometimes technology, even cameras need to wait in the car.
But, a note to my hubby should he read this - till Cord is a little older, the wipes should never wait in the car... ever.
What made today so great, nothing special. We did not go on any fancy trips or spend a lot of money. What we did was spend time with each other.
Know I don't know how many of you know what "Dry Land Fish" are, but in the culinary world they are Morel Mushrooms. Every year in March and April they come up wild on our farm. So, it has been a habit of Brian and I to go and ramble over the woodlands of the farm to hunt these elusive "dry Land Fish".
Given that I had an abdominal hysterectomy last Thursday, I did not think that I would get to go this year, but like I said God was good to me today. We went to the farm and I got to watch my kids ride a mule while I sat in a chair for about 2 hours. Even my 3 year old can ride better than I can.
Then we were off, albeit much slower paced than we usually go with more Mommy breaks too. My Husband, 3 kids, Father in law and 3 squirrel dogs had a ball. The kids learned how to spot, and not step on, the Morel's and we got about a pound wet weight mushrooms.
Ella, my oldest who is forever running out ahead of the rest of us, learned not to walk into brush unless her Dad or I went first because in Tennessee in the Spring there are snakes in them their woods. I am glad it was only a black snake, but boy it sure taught her a lesson.
Around Five o'clock my Mother-in-Law got off work and the kids had a ball surprising her in the woods. She did not know we were there. Then we all went out to Mexican for diner. Let me tell you 2-3 hours of walking in the woods certainly puts kids to sleep.
No, today was not perfect. Brie got hit in the mouth with a stick, Cord sat on a sharp stump, and Cord had to Potty in the woods without wipes. But we survived and had fun doing it. Not once was there an argument over a TV show or iPod game. It was nice.
I think getting out and spending time is the best thing that any parent can do with their kids, and no I don't mean take them somewhere and expect them to entertain themselves while you veg out, read a book, or otherwise ignore them. I will be the first to admit that I like my me time, but kids need your we time.
It was fun to watch my Husband teach the kids how to track a squirrel, deer, and turkey. I liked showing them violets, May Apples, Morel mushrooms, and wild strawberries. It was fun watching them problem solve how to get from here to there when there was a downed tree and a ditch in the way, and for the most part they helped each other and worked it out.
Yes, I was proud of my day today. So proud that I don't have one picture to show for it except the ones in my head and sorry I cannot share those. Sometimes technology, even cameras need to wait in the car.
But, a note to my hubby should he read this - till Cord is a little older, the wipes should never wait in the car... ever.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
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