Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Back in the Posting...

Well, despite a spring of technical difficulties, I finally have an iPad and keyboard that are working, so I can blog and share in family time. Dance recital has come and gone again, T-Ball/Softball is almost over, and it is time to put up some hay. Brian is having a time getting enough sunny days in a row to get our hay in for the stock at Diamond M Farms. It keeps raining and raining.

Today at work, my car took a beating in a hail storm. I am not sure that a tornado did not go over my office. I never ever heard strait line winds sound quit like that.

I hope to be posting more often now as my technical difficulties are getting resolved...

BUT does anyone know how to get twitter and Facebook to work right on the iPad

1 comment:

  1. Are you using the Twitter application for iPad? here's what I am using http://jplovescotton.com/2010/09/06/the-best-ipad-app-for-twitter-tweeting/

    Here's a post I did on my iPad use too. Let me know what questions you have http://jplovescotton.com/2010/12/25/ipad-overview/
