I have been told that I should try this and that I always have something to say but now I seem to be at a loss for words. I am simply what the title of this says a rural family doctor and a farmers wife. Some days I am prouder of one of those than the other, but mostly I am more proud to be my husbands wife. You see, he married me and stood by me when I was just plain old me. He never complained when I came home smelling like formalydehide and had weird stains on my scrubs that never went away. He never complained when my new best friends in medical school were gay. He put up with the long hours miles away from the farm and when he had to he drove the 2 plus hours home to put up hay or work cows and then drove home to crawl in bed with his new wife who more than likely at that point in my life was not proud of what he had been doing.
You see, I grew up in agriculture as a Vets daughter and granddaughter but I knew there was NO way that I was sticking my arm that far up anything. So by the time I met Brian, I had decided on a carrier in medicine which is no walk in the park. Even though the only thing he has ever wanted to be is an American Farmer on his family farm, he fell in love with me anyway. We have survived medical school, residency, and now we are surviving daily work in a rural area that we are both proud to call home. And I am proud to say that somewhere along the way, I have grown into agriculture. I can drive a tractor and put up hay. I know how to tell when an animal needs medical attention, but trust me I am still not putting my arm that far up anything. I'll leave that up to him and the hired high school help.
Home is something I hope to share with you. We are both very active in Farm Bureau and have been proud to represent our state at the national Excellence in Agriculture competition this year. We have three children that I hope to get you to know, and lots of funny family stories too.
There will be good times and bad times - but isn't that what we call life. Just today I had to call DCS. Believe me that is never my favorite phone call. Today was busy even with the snow, admissions, and office visits, and emails to senators kept work full. Then it was time to come home to diner and time with the family.
Ella, our oldest, had two of her teeth pulled today too. SO I had better go be the tooth fairy ...
Sounds really good: you are off to a good start. BJ
ReplyDeleteThanks... I appreciate the comments. I made another rant, I mean post today. I got of topic about Congress this time... Oopss but thanks for reading
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your blog! It is lots of fun! :)