Its been a while since I got to set down to a computer and have a chat with myself. That's my own private joke at how I have come to look at this blog, but between school spring break and my new involvement in the TMA physician's leadership college, I have had a busy few weekends. Oh, yeah plus Easter and being on call...
Anyway, my thoughts have been decidedly grim these last few days despite having had some of the best times in my life. I was at the TMA meeting this weekend and I am honored to have represented Overton Co. as a voting delegate to that body and to have been selected to the 4th class for the Physician's Leadership College. I have a great group of people to work with. However, I have already seen the difficulties faced by modern medicine, and getting different medical specialist to agree. Its not unlike the difficulties in getting a poultry producer and an dairy farmer to agree, and since I have experience with that sort of thing I might do alright in this TMA adventure. I met and Karaoked with some great doctors, and had a ball, in between wrestling with issues like the SGR and health care reform.
You see, I am still very unsure of this bill that Congress rammed down the throats of America. Now we have Government in health care (which they already cannot run - look at the SGR problem as of April 1rst all doctors that take Medicare took a 24% pay cut and if it is not fixed by this week it becomes LAW!!!) and government in car companies, and government in banks, and government in energy laws (by the way thank Obama when your grocery bills go up next year due to his CAP and Trade laws!!!) and I am sorry but I was raised that if you wanted something you earned it.
Call me old fashioned but I have worked for what I have since I was 14 years old. I bought my first car, and paid for it all myself. I worked three jobs and owned one of them to put myself through college. Where is this drive in young Americans? I know - its not there... they want the change that Obama promised them... well, changing America into a socialist Marxist nation is not what I had in mind... Thank you very much...
I am pleading with anyone that reads this; become involved. If you don't like my view point at least get involved enough in our nation to have an opinion of your own that does not come from biased bought and paid for Katie Couric. Vote... Call Congress, Elect new officials. Find people who will do the jobs that "WE THE PEOPLE" send them to congress to do...
And I have one more rant before heading off to bed, if we tried to impeach Clinton for having, no lying about oral sex, why can't we impeach Obamma for spending more money then our children can ever repay? Why can't he be held accountable for making it illegal for our military to use the words Islamic fundamental for fear they might "hurt the feelings" of the terrorist that attack and kill AMERICANS on our own soil? Why can't he be held accountable for signing away our nuclear superiority and tying our hands with meaningless treaty's that make us - the USA - look impotent to the other worlds nuclear powers? Why can't he manage to have more than a week's worth of conversation with Israel and not piss them off? and Why oh why did America elect a Marxist Socialist as President? Don't we already give enough of what we make to the less fortunate? Why do they get to sit and do nothing while I work 80+ hours a week...
I know we are just a small group of people in Tennessee, but Paul Revere was just a man with a small group of friends and see what he did. Lets stop ignoring the political environment in which we find ourselves and take bake Washington...
And did you know that our President has declared April as NATIONAL FINANCIAL LITERACY MONTH... he wants us all to learn to balance our check books, not to buy risky products, avoid credit card debt, and MOST IMPORTANTLY he wants us to AVOID DEBT. I want you to know that I nearly laugh myself silly and cried at the same time when I heard that... The man that has single handed put this country in deeper debt then ever before - so much so that we are at an ECONOMIC CRISIS - wants us the America people to not have debt. Maybe he should practice putting his money where his mouth is...
And FYI ... the percent of appointed government officials that have experience in the field that they are a Presidential appointment too is at an all time low. With Reagan it was at 52-54% of his appointed officials had previous work experience, and it was in the 40's% with Clinton, and now with Obama the percent of his appointed people that have previous experience in their appointed job is at 8%... Gotta love this...
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