Monday, March 29, 2010

Agvocating to the modern consumer...

I read an article in my Smithsonian magazine this month and realized that there may be people advocating for agriculture in this world that are not aware they are. There is an article about The Cowboys of the R.A. Brown Ranch in Texas that really gets to the heart of modern cattle farming in America. It explains very technical issues like Expected progeny Differences (EPDs to those in the know) and freeze branding with a very non-biased and informative approach. It gave me heart to realize that there are journalist in the world who are not out to sink modern Agriculture.

Most farms are still a family farm, especially beef farms like we own. And lord knows that I now know that EPDs are like air to my husband. We live and breath birth weights, weaning weights and all those other numbers that look like a stock report to me.

I hope the above link can help us all realize that there are other people telling our story in a positive not negative light. So, if you get the chance you might want to read this months Smithsonian magazine story about a red Angus bull named Revelation and his ranch in modern Texas. Cowboys with Blackberrys - Its a brave new world...

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