I meant to blog this weekend but two things kept me from it... one I was on call and that always keeps me hopping and two I have been a fox news junkie. When I have not been at the hospital I have been glued to the radio or to my TV. I felt like I was watching the death of personal freedom in the country. When an elected lawmaker can be caught on national TV saying that "there ain't no rules here, we're trying to get something accomplished" and by the way the gentleman in question is the Chair of the House Rules Committee and a Democrat, I want to cry for my children's future. Last night I was proud to be a conservative, a republican, and fiscally responsible.
No, I don't think I should have to work my butt of so someone else can sit all day long on theirs. Yes, I believe that health care needs reform in this country. Yes, I believe that their should be no limits on preexisting conditions. Yes, there should be more emphasis on primary care. Yes, there needs to be insurance company reform, but I work with government ran health care everyday and they cannot run the two plans they run now. Remember the Doctors fussing about the SGR well that is how the Federal government thinks to run Medicare - they are paying us physicians at 1993 rates and keep putting off how to fix the problem, making the eventual fix worse. However, I don't think that Illegal Immigrants deserve health care just like American citizens do. I live in Tennessee and every day Mexican nationals get put on TN care when they are pregnant and for childcare, but hard working Tennessee farmers with Diabetes and high blood pressure get told that they are out of luck and this makes me angry. Thanks to Marsha BlackBurn and TO Lamar Alexander and to Lincon davis for Voting "NO"
SHAME on those Tennessean Congressman who voted yes - Bart Gordon better be glad he is not running for relection cause he certainly failed to represent his county.
President Obama has made it very clear that he does not care what we the American people support. Despite numerous polls to the effect that we don't want this bill, he force and bribed Congress to pass it. Congressman Stupack traded his stance of Pro life for some new Airports in his district - hope he thinks that an Executive order that can be overturned at the Drop of a hat is worth it.
Americans stand up and speak out. If you want to have an America of We the people and personal freedom - Stand up and Speak out. Vote these Liberal Democrats Socialist out of Office. Then lets vote some real health care reform that won't cost millions of American jobs, raise taxes, and bankrupt our children's future.
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