When I was little, there was a good solid man that led this country out of a recession deeper than the one we are in now. He did it with Tax cuts and economic incentives to free trade and capitalist ventures - the ideals that this country was founded on. His name was Ronald Reagan and he replied to a simple crayon written letter from yours truly. He was a great American. You could like his politics or not but he never back down from them - he got our boys out or Libya when all Carter could do was sit in the White House and hide. Yes, he was a great leader and he was the man that first made me interested in the three branches of government that we have today.
Yeah, the government that we have today. Where did government of the people, by the people, and for the people go. I do know any people that I know that want Nancy Pelosi speaking for them and theirs. We like our homes and our farms and would like to keep them. As for our current President - lets just say he is no Reagan or no Clinton for that matter. He has broken one campaign promise after another and I hope to see health care reform become the Waterloo issue for his administration.
Today has been busy. 57 in the office to treat and that is why its 7pm and I'm still hear. I called both Senators offices today to tell them that they now have me working for free while they still sit in cushy Government offices and I could never get thru to Alexander and Corker's Aide said "he was not sure why so many callers believed this was a big deal - the Senator had been for the SGR fix it just failed to pass". He became a little more reasonable when I told him that I would then spend the rest of my day telling every patient that I saw Sen. Corker's views on Seniors and Disabled patients loosing access to health care due to medicare cuts.
My patient from the last blog still has no insurance and despite being in his 40's is looking at nursing home placement. His Mom is distraught over this.
My life is about the same. The farm is chugging along. Ella had a double header basket ball game this weekend that I missed cause I was on call making rounds but I heard she had a great jump shot. Her team won both games. Now she and Brie have signed up for T-ball. Such is Life. Cord turns 2 in 10 days - where has my bay gotten off to?
Back to my original question - Where have all the good guys gone - I want to know who in Congress actually cares about the people that elected them and not about getting reelected? Why can't we have term limits for these jobs?
When will the American public realize that we as a society cannot keep funding the masses from the minority of hard working souls who still believe in the American Dream?
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